Rules of Use

At our hotel, in order to maintain the dignity of the hotel and ensure a safe and comfortable stay for our guests, we have established the following rules of use based on Article 10 of the Accommodation Agreement. We kindly ask for your cooperation. Please be aware that the hotel cannot be held responsible for accidents resulting from non-compliance with these rules.

Upon arrival, please check the evacuation route map posted on the back of the room entrance door and the location of emergency exits on each floor.

The entire hotel premises are non-smoking. In case smoking is detected in the guest room, a compensation fee of ¥30,000 will be charged.

Please refrain from activities in the room that may cause a fire. Additionally, do not use appliances that generate heat or flames, such as heating and cooking devices.

The following items are prohibited for bringing into the hotel, as they may cause inconvenience to other guests:
a) Animals, birds
b) Explosives, volatile oils, and other flammable or inflammable substances
c) Items emitting unpleasant odors
d) Items exceeding a reasonable quantity
e) Firearms, swords, narcotics not permitted by law

When leaving the room during your stay, please ensure that it is locked. While in the room, especially during sleep, please use the door latch. If there are visitors, confirm using the door peephole or leave the door half-open with the latch engaged.

Meetings with visitors should take place in the lobby. Please refrain from meetings in the guest rooms. Also, do not use the rooms for purposes other than accommodation.

Please use the in-room safe (free of charge) for storing cash and valuables during your stay. In case of loss or theft, the hotel will not be held responsible.

Forgotten items will be kept by the hotel for one month (one day for food, one week for valuables), after which they will be handled according to the Lost Property Law. Items deemed unsuitable for hotel storage from a hygiene perspective may be disposed of at the hotel’s discretion.

When using the hotel’s restaurant or bar by signing, please present your room key. Additional payment may be required, so please be aware.

Business activities (use as an office/business office, service provision/lectures to visitors/guests) are not allowed in the hotel rooms.

Distribution of advertising materials or selling items to other guests within the hotel premises is prohibited.

When making phone calls from the room, facility usage fees for both domestic and international calls will be added. International call rates will be provided at the front desk.

Gambling and other activities that disturb public morals or cause inconvenience to others are prohibited.

Requests regarding hotel facilities and items:
a) Do not use for purposes other than their intended use.
b) Do not take them outside the hotel.
c) Do not move or alter them in any way.

The hotel will charge the actual cost for damage, breakage, or loss of hotel facilities and items.

Please refrain from leaving the room in nightwear, bathrobes, slippers, etc.

During check-in or extension of stay, accommodation charges will be collected in advance. In the case of an extension, settlement of the current usage charges is requested. In the case of payment by credit card, the hotel reserves the right to obtain pre-authorization and may not collect advance payment.

For guests whose usage charges exceed a certain amount during their stay, we will present an invoice at the front desk for payment as needed.

Receipts are prepared for each room. If you wish to split receipts or consolidate them, please inform the front desk promptly.

We do not accept payment or reimbursement for shopping, massage, ticket fares, taxi fares, postage for parcels, etc.

Orders for food delivery from outside the hotel or services such as on-site massages are not accepted. Using photos taken within the hotel for commercial purposes without permission may be subject to legal action, so please be cautious.

Gratuities to employees are declined.